July 18, 2023
Town of Guernsey
Regular Meeting
Platte County, Wyoming
PRESENT: Mayor Delgado, CM Harris, CW Wells. CM Michaels, CM Augustyn.
STAFF: Hillary Dawson, Chuck Porter, Judge Conner, Officer Chavez
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Delgado called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
REGSTERING GUESTS: Bob Case, Charlie Walker, Shawna and Troy Reichert, Lisa Weigel, Rose Martinez, Lori Ibarra, Christa Bartel.
AGENDA: CW Wells moved to approve the agenda. CM Harris Seconded. The motion carried.
MINUTES: CM Harris moved to approve the June 20, 2023; minutes as presented. CW Wells seconded. The motion carried. CM Michaels abstained.
CONSIDERATION OF CLAIMS: Mayor Delgado presented the vouchers for approval. CM Michaels moved to approve the Considerations of Claims in the amount of $293,710.82, seconded by CM Augustyn. The motion carried. Vouchers follow in their entirety: Amazon Capital Services, $170.96; Benzel Pest Control, $550.00; Border States, $68.00; Burns Insurance, $350.00; Capital Business Systems, $431.97; Caselle, $618.00; Century Link, $991.60; Charlie’s Repair, $383.25; CPS Distributors, $622.38; Dad’s Septic, $900.00; Dawson, Hillary, $282.00; Guernsey Gazette, $710.84; Hawkins, $4676.95; IIA Lifting Services, $999.97; John Deere Financial, $22666.33; LAWS, $2490.01; Mission Communications, $1042.20; Mobius Communications, $480.00; Molzahn, Macoyia, $282.00; Once-Call of Wyoming, $6.00; Otero, Belinda, $31.76; Parker, Victoria, $67.48; Pryor Creek Bait Company, $33.00; Rapp, Randy, $1500.00; Reserve Account, $150.00; Ron’s Equipment, $63995.00; Shaw, Rex, $100.00; Stotz, $89.46; TDS, $18,0862.01; Torrington Beverage, $618.00; Town of Wheatland, $700.89; Verizon, $540.99; Vistabeam, $507.50; Westco, $4760.92; WEX Bank, $2,534.07; Wheatland REA, $61.97; Wyoming Association of Municipalities, $1550.00; Wyoming Municipal Power, $78914.27; Wyoming Public Health Laboratory, $120.00; WYO Pots, $360.00; WYRULEC, $ 398.41; Y2 Consultants, $36,132.63; Total Invoices, $293,710.82. Payroll, $33,409.40. Taxes/Benefits Payable, $10350.60. TOTAL CLAIMS: $293710.82. Mayor proposed auctioning off vehicles no longer in use. CW Wells motioned to place unused vehicles up for auction. Seconded by CM Harris. The motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Chuck Porter announced Gordon Davis Park pavilion is reserved for a Pioneer celebration sponsored by the LDS Church, all are welcome. The Ganfield’s had a question regarding the airport and the ability to rent hangers for their aircraft. Mayor Delgado addressed the questions and CM Michaels commented that there is no fuel at the airport.
LISA WEIGEL-Shawna Reichert, as a school board member introduced Lisa as the new Superintendent of Platte County School District #2. Lisa noted what an honor it is to be back in Guernsey and to serve the community. Safety is a priority, along with building partnerships. The Sheriff’s office has secured a shared resource officer for Guernsey and Wheatland. Lisa is looking forward to meeting all the kids and parents.
CEMETARY RATES- CW Wells motions to approve raising the cemetery rates as presented. Seconded by CM Michaels. The motion carried.
NUISANCE ORDINANCE 2023-002-CM Michaels motioned to table this for 2 weeks after a workshop and discuss at next council meeting. Seconded by CM Augustyn. The motion carried. CW Wells addressed fines and tickets. CM Michaels mentioned taking it up with the Judge.
ORDINANCE-MIXED USE/ZONING 2023-003- 3rd READING-CM Augustyn motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Michaels. The motion carried.
LIQUOR PERMIT BEN’S BAR- Wedding at VFW-CW Wells motioned to table until next meeting, with proper documentation. Seconded by CM Michaels. The motion carried.
VARIANCE-53 N. KANSAS-CM Michaels motions to approve the Variance from April 1, 2024, through September 01, 2024, and owner needs to bring their plans to planning and zoning by 04/01/2024. CW Wells Seconded. The motion carried. Chuck Porter reads the ordinance and Mayor wants to see plans presented to the Town before approving. A workshop has been scheduled for the second Tuesday in August immediately following the Planning and Zoning meeting concerning trailers.
ADJOURNMENT-Mayor Delgado asked for motion to adjourn. With no further business, CM Harris motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Wells. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
Edward Delgado, Mayor
Hillary Dawson, Clerk/Treasurer
Public Notice No. 2036 published in the Guernsey Gazette on August 8, 2023.