Public Notice No. 2069




June 4, 2024
Town of Guernsey
Regular Meeting
Platte County, Wyoming

PRESENT: Mayor Delgado, CM Harris, CW Wells, CM Augustyn, CM Michaels
STAFF: H. Dawson, Judge Conner, Chuck Porter, Lester Ballard
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Delgado called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance and was welcomed to the meeting.
REGISTERED GUESTS: Jeff Thomas, Jeremiah Fields, Brad and Stacia Cook, Ed Gonzales, Nick Paustian, Linda Hughes, Troy and Shawna Reichert, Elle Behrmann, Ron Green, Ada Pulos, Bob and Pam Case, Bruce Heimbuck.

AGENDA: CM Michaels moved to approve the agenda. CW Wells seconded. The motion carried.
MINUTES: CM Harris moved to approve the May 21, 2024 minutes as presented, CM Augustyn seconded. The motion carried.
CONSIDERATION OF CLAIMS: Mayor Delgado presented the vouchers for approval. CW Wells moved to approve the Considerations of Claims in the amount of $81,374.11 seconded by CM Harris. The motion carried. Vouchers follow in their entirety: Absolute Solutions, $500.00; BA Lawrence, $1135.00; Black Hills, $1,507.13; Bomgaars Supply, $2,107.76; Bowen, Jesse, $ 320.00; Capital Business Systems, $51.90; Century Lumber Center, $152.02; Century Link, $943.00; Charlies Repair, $5,953.77; CAN Surety, $350.00; Conner, William, $2,579.58; Decker, Steve, $2,780.00; Glendo Volunteer Ambulance, $1,250.00; Guernsey Gazette, $402.24; Madsen, Ryan, $125.00; Millers Moving and Mowing, $270.00; National Judges Association, $100.00; NJA Conference, $325.00; Northwest Pipe Fittings, $ 69.81; Petty Cash, $189.25; Pleasant Valley Greenhouse, $271.30; Productivity Plus Acct, $45.48; Pryor Creek Bait Company, $117.00; TDS, $15,771.87; Torrington Beverage; $382.00; USPS, $285.14; Verizon Wireless, $611.43; Total Invoices, $38,595.68; Payroll, $28,963.66; Taxes/Benefits, $13,814.77. TOTAL CLAIMS: $81,374.11.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Elle Behrmann with the VFW auxiliary would like the Town to replace 4 military markers from the cemetery that were damaged by mowers or weed whackers. CM Michaels moved to approve the Town paying approximately $75.00 a piece to replace the four damaged markers. CM Harris seconded. The motion carried. Linda Hughes discussed gardening and the concern with the mention of the upcoming water restrictions. Linda’s question was who made the decision to use a temporary bladder of that size and why couldn’t you buy a bigger bladder? CM Michaels and the Mayor explained it is leased for the project and it was decided by the contractor doing the job. The timing of this during gardening season is bad, why couldn’t it have been earlier or later when the gardening season wasn’t at its peak. The Waterline project was approved in 2018 and the town will be informed by mail and at council meetings with the progression of the project on when the restrictions will begin. The Town is years overdue getting the Tank inspected and redone. Troy Reichert gave an update on the neighborhood watch program and that there have been new and different people at each meeting. The attendance was around 20-25 people. Next meeting is June 25th at FSB, and they will begin breaking the Town into zones with a zone leader so people are informed, and issues can be brought to the police’s attention. So far we are off to a good start.
BRUCE HEIMBUCK- Bruce came to discuss the Wyoming Business Council, Community Projects application. The Grant the town is pursuing will allow for the expansion and provide additional resources for the library and senior center. The footprint of the project is expected to cost around $750,000. The Town has some in-kind but will also need to come up with an additional $300,000. Guernsey Economic Development will discuss adding $120,000 for soft costs. CW Wells made a motion to have Bruce pursue and write the grant for the cost of $1.00 and expenses. Seconded by CM Michaels. The motion carried.
ORDINANCE 2025-001 – 2nd reading of Budget 2025-001. CW Wells made a motion to approve Ordinance 2025-001. Seconded by CM Augustyn. The motion carried.
ORDINANCE 2024-003 – Excise Tax Ordinance 2024-003. CW Wells made a motion to approve Ordinance 2024-003. Seconded by CM Augustyn. The motion carried. CM Michaels discussed that the 1% tax subsidizes almost every town department, and some of those mentioned were cemetery, parks, streets and the police department.
GOLF COURSE ORDINANCE 2024-002 2nd READING- CM Augustyn made a motion to approve Ordinance 2024-002 amending item A2, with the deletion of lines E and F. Seconded by CM Harris. The motion carried. Three for, two opposed.
COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION REPORTS: Shawna Reichert has a new member at the Chamber talking about Grants. Shawna will share the information with the town. The Lodging tax board went to the international round up. There is a lot of interest in Platte County and it was nice that they drove through on their way to Casper and could see what Platte county has to offer. Travel Season is underway, and our billboard is up, the visitor center in Wheatland is very busy so there is an uptick.
DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Lester Ballard says the Golf Course is off to a good start, actually a great start. Our equipment and greens are at 100%. Rex and I are focused on irrigation, we did have a few turnovers to begin the season but we are back on track and morale is high. Hillary Dawson put the Wyoming Class, April and May statements in the Council packets so they have an updated figure for the interest accrued in the new account. Judge Conner didn’t prepare an April report as there was only 1 case, $490 in fines collected for May. Golf Course will have $250.00 because the fine for destruction on the course was paid. Judge will be off to attend the NJA conference in July. Mayor Delgado asked Chuck Porter to give an update on the last planning and zoning meeting they attended. The Mayor says decisions were made regarding moving a trailer and that way Council is aware of the decision planning and zoning made as we moved it to the next Council meetings agenda. Chuck Porter says a planning and a zoning variance was requested and the applicant was denied for two reasons. Reason number one was her lot size would not allow for 2 dwellings on her lot size. The second reason was the trailer in question would not fall into Town Code which requires trailers to be 5 years or newer to move onto a lot. CW Wells asked Chuck Porter how many citations have you wrote to the Police Department? Chuck asked total or just recently? CW Wells says since the last time you were at a Council meeting and Chuck responded with 2, sorry boss.
MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORT: CM Michaels says he’s happy with the way the waterline is going. CM Augustyn says the dog park should soon see some fun equipment and new lettering. CW Wells asked what year the waterline project was approved for funding and the consensus was in 2018. CW Wells wanted it known that there should not be any surprises with a project that has been in the works for years. Mayor will work with Mike and Oftedal on water restrictions and once we have a timeline the town will put notices in all P.O. Boxes.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: June 13th Budget workshop at 9am. June 15th Mobile Food Pantry. Neighborhood watch June 21st 7pm.
EXECUTIVE SESSION PERSONNEL/PROPERTY: CM Michaels motioned to enter executive session at 6:44 p.m. for personnel after a short break. Seconded by CM Augustyn. The motion carried. The Council returned to regular session with no decisions made.

CW Wells moved to terminate Pro Shop Manager, Elmore. Seconded by CM Augustyn. Vote taken motion carried. CM Augustyn motioned to terminate Town Planner, Porter. Seconded by CW Wells. Vote taken motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Delgado asked for a motion to adjourn. CM Michaels motioned that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by CM Harris. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:39p.m.

Eddie Delgado, Mayor
Hillary Dawson, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Notice No. 2069 published in the Guernsey Gazette on June 25, 2024.