July 06, 2023
Town of Guernsey
Regular Meeting
Platte County, Wyoming
PRESENT: Mayor Delgado, CM Harris, CW Wells. CM Michaels, CM Augustyn Excused.
STAFF: Hillary Dawson, Chuck Porter, Judge Conner
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Delgado called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
REGSTERING GUESTS: Bob Case, Pat Russell, Charlie Walker, Malcolm Ervin
AGENDA: CW Wells moved to approve the agenda. CM Harris Seconded. The motion carried.
MINUTES: CM Harris moved to approve the June 20, 2023; minutes as presented. CW Wells seconded. The motion carried. CM Michaels abstained.
CONSIDERATION OF CLAIMS: Mayor Delgado presented the vouchers for approval. CM Michaels moved to approve the Considerations of Claims in the amount of $135,667.26, seconded by CM Harris. The motion carried. Vouchers follow in their entirety: Amazon Capital Services, $371.37; Benzel Pest Control, $550.00; Black Hills Energy, $1,396.51: Bob Ruwart Motors, $83.85; Bomgaars, $296.39; Century Link, $991.60; Charlie’s Repair, $383.25; Crystal Ice, $218.75; Dad’s Septic, $600.00; Galls, LLC, $323.95; Guernsey Gazette, $710.84; Inventory Trading Company, $375.00; Knife River, $634.72; Mobius Communications, $48.00; Northwest Pipe Fitting, $337.75; Reserve Account, $150.00; Staples, $95.48, Swank, $1530.00; TDS, $15,080.85; Torrington Beverage, $618.00; Travelers, $28241.00; USPS, $217.42; Vistabeam, $507.50; Wheatland Automotive, $142.60; Wyoming Dept Agriculture, $100.00; Y2 Consultants, $36,132.63; Total Invoices, $90,619.46. Payroll, $33,853.98. Taxes/Benefits Payable, $11,193.82. TOTAL CLAIMS: $135,667.26. Mayor proposed auctioning off vehicles no longer in use. CW Wells motioned to place unused vehicles up for auction. Seconded by CM Harris. The motion carried.
LIQUOR PERMIT KELLEY’S BAR- Kelley’s Golf Tournament, Trail Ruts Golf Course. CM Harris motioned to approve, seconded by Michaels. The motion carried.
UTILITIES ORDINANCE- Starting July 7th, 2023, the ordinance will be enforced to the fullest.
AWARD PW TRACTOR- CW Wells motions to approve Award for PW Tractor to Ron’s Equipment. Seconded by CM Harris. The motion carried.
INVESTING CD’S- CM Harris motioned to approve moving Three Hundred and Ninety-Nine Thousand Dollars from the Money Market Account into an interest-bearing CD. Along with a onetime step up on 3–40-month Cd’s and a rollover CD. Seconded by CM Michaels. The motion carried.
WY CLASS-CW Wells motioned to move monies into Wyoming CLASS. Seconded by CM Michaels. The motion carried.
NUISANCE ORDINANCE 2023-002- 2nd READING-CW Wells motioned to approve, seconded by CM Harris. The motion carried.
ORDINANCE-MIXED USE/ZONING 2023-003- 2nd READING-CM Michaels motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Harris. The motion carried.
1% SPECIFIC PURPOSE TAX: CW Wells motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Harris. The motion carried.
EXECUTIVE SESSION- CW Wells motioned to enter executive session after a short break. Seconded by CM Harris. The motion carried. Returned to regular session with no decision made.
ADJOURNMENT-Mayor Delgado asked for motion to adjourn. With no further business, CW Wells motioned that the meeting adjourn. Seconded by CM Michaels. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
Edward Delgado, Mayor
Hillary Dawson, Clerk/Treasurer
Public Notice No. 2033 published in the Guernsey Gazette on July 25, 2023.