Public Notice No. 1784.

PART I – INVITATION TO BID 2019 Guernsey Golf Course Well Project



2019 Guernsey Golf Course Well Project
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Guernsey, WY (the Owner) will receive sealed bids for furnishing all equipment, labor, materials, tools, transportation, and services necessary for drilling, completion and testing the 2019 Guernsey Golf Course Well Project.  Specifically, this work will include:
1)  Drilling and completing an 8” diameter steel cased and screened well.  The nominal borehole diameter for the well is 12”.  The well work will include: drilling of the bore hole; installing the casing pipe, well screen, and filter pack; bentonite and/or cement seal; well development work; and pump/aquifer testing.  The drill site will be stabilized, leveled and readied for re-vegetation at the end of the project.    

The work shall be completed in accordance with AWWA A-100 Standard for Water Wells and Wyoming State Engineer’s Office and Department of Environmental Quality Standards.  The Contractor(s) shall be Wyoming licensed well drillers and pump installers.
This work is described in the Project Manual for the 2019 Guernsey Golf Course Well Project.  A pre-bid tour will be conducted on Thursday, February 21, 2019 beginning at 10:30 AM local time.  Meet at the Guernsey Town Hall, 81 West Whalen, Guernsey, WY 82214 (307) 836-2335.  
Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 PM local time on March 4, 2019 at Guernsey Town Hall; Attn: Kate Farmer Clerk/Treasurer; 81 West Whalen, P.O. Box 667; Guernsey, WY 82214.  Telephone number (307) 836-2335.  
Dahlgren Consulting is the design consultant (ENGINEER/GEOLOGIST) for this project.  Technical questions concerning this project should be directed to Dahlgren Consulting, attention Russell Dahlgren, at 914 East 23rd Street, Cheyenne, WY 82001, phone number 307-634-3582 and email
Plans and Specifications may be obtained from Precision Graphics; 601 West Lincolnway; Cheyenne, WY 82001; 307-634-4191;  Payment of $30.00 (non-refundable) is required for each set of the Project Manual.  
A Bid guarantee in the amount of 5% of the total bid shall be submitted with each bid as required in the bidding documents.  The successful Bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory performance and payment bonds in the amount of 100% of the accepted bid.  
The Owner shall have the power to reject any part or all of any and all bids or to waive irregularities in bids received.  A contract will be awarded to the bidder who, in the opinion of the Engineer and the Owner affords the lowest cost and is the most qualified and responsive bidder.  No bidder will be allowed to withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days following the actual date of the opening of bids or until the successful bidder has entered into a contract with the ENGINEER.
Owner herby notifies all prospective bidders that they will affirmatively assure that Small, Minority, and Women owned businesses will be afforded full and equal opportunity to submit proposals in response to this invitation and are specifically encouraged to do so.  The Owner further assures that they will not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of race, sex, age, color or national origin in consideration for an award.

Public Notice No. 1784. To be published in the Guernsey Gazette on February 12, and 19, and 26, 2019.