October 1, 2024 Dwyer fire burns 960 acres DWYER – Approximately 960 acres of grassland burned early on Monday before fire crews were able to contain the fire. Two separate fires were reported …
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October 1, 2024
Dwyer fire burns 960 acres
DWYER – Approximately 960 acres of grassland burned early on Monday before fire crews were able to contain the fire. Two separate fires were reported approximately the same time at Dwyer and Wendover. The Wendover fire merged into the northeast corner of the Dwyer fire before both were officially contained mid-morning.
Wildlife, habitat may benefit
from recent fire
GUERNSEY – While a burn scar remains across much of the land where Pleasant Valley Fire challenged the ingenuity and resourcefulness of firefighters earlier this summer, the long-term impact isn’t so dire—at least for wildlife.
The fire burned varied swaths of grass, brush, and some lightly forested areas. Just after the fire was suppressed, the clouds opened up with some much-needed rain, causing some grasses and forbs to sprout green shoots, which is a benefit to the land in preparation for winter weather and to prevent erosion of soil.
Though the landscape is blackened now in the burn scar, and there is minimal forage, in the long run the habitat will be slightly changed – most likely for the better.
Viking varsity football
cancelled for season
GUERNSEY – With input from coaches, players, and parents, Guernsey-Sunrise High School administration announced last week the Guernsey-Sunrise Viking football team is forfeiting the rest of its scheduled games this season. The players able to will potentially play six-man JV games, pending schools willing to sign up to add the match-ups mid-season.
Wilson said, though the Vikings are still under their commitment to produce a nine-man team next year, the WHSAA will seek to add some six-man games into the 2025 schedule when those are drawn up this winter.
Lady Vikes win on the road in
edge-of-your-seat showdown
ROCK RIVER – The Guernsey-Sunrise volleyball team traveled to Rock River on Thursday to play in quite the nail biter of a game.
The set ended 30-28 with the last handful of scores being literally point for point.
The Vikings have improved to 10-9 overall and 2-3 in conference play.
October 8, 2024
Council to decide:
keep or trade Guernsey’s airport
GUERNSEY – It is still unknown whether the Town of Guernsey will retain ownership of the Guernsey airport or choose to utilize the asset as leverage in trading for developable land. Guernsey mayor Ed Delgado told the council to make sure to look carefully at all options, because they will need to make a decision by the next council meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 15.
Water restrictions may end this week
GUERNSEY – A much-anticipated ending of water restrictions is finally possible this week – pending results expected today (Tuesday, Oct. 8) on a Bac T test (bacteriological test).
Assault case headed to district court
GOSHEN COUNTY – Last week, charges against a Goshen County resident, Andrew Atkinson, were moved to the felony level in district court and additional charges were added. The 26-year-old man turned himself in on August 20. New charges were filed in the Eight Judicial District Court of Goshen County on Wednesday of last week where Atkinson is now charged with one count of aggravated assault and battery with a deadly weapon, one count of aggravated assault and battery, one count of applying pressure on throat or neck and one count child abuse: response for welfare (physical injury).
October 15, 2024
Lady Vikes make silver bracket in semi-finals at Kaycee
KAYCEE – The Lady Vikings traveled to Kaycee for a busy weekend at the 1A Jamboree Tournament.
Guernsey-Sunrise High School made it to the semi-final match in the silver bracket on Saturday losing to Kaycee.
The Vikings went 0-3 Friday dropping matches to: Burlington (12-25,8-25), Kaycee (14-25, 22-25), and Upton (15-25, 14-25).
Then on Saturday at Kaycee, GSHS went 3-2 in the Silver Bracket with wins against: Arvada-Claremont (25-22, 25-20), Ft. Washakie (25-12, 25-9), and Burlington’s JV (25-23, 25-20). Their losses on Saturday were to: Dubois (14-25, 23-25) and Kaycee (25-22, 9-25, 10-15).
October 22, 2024
Airport subject of tonight’s meeting
GUERNSEY – Due to the amount of feedback received from the community, the Town of Guernsey will host a town meeting regarding what to do with the town’s airport situation.
The primary question is whether to invest in upgrades to the town’s portion of the airport or trade it with the Wyoming Military Department / Wyoming National Guard for developable land adjacent to the town’s recently remediated landfill, or to both fix the airport and purchase the proposed land outright.
Schools practice evacuation drill
GUERNSEY -- A large scale reunification drill was held by the school, Camp Guernsey and local law enforcement to practice current procedures in place to evacuate the building and assemble in an alternate, safe location where parents and caregivers could be re-united with their children.
Camp Guernsey firehouse chili wins
GLENDO – Camp Guernsey fire department “C” shift came home with a first-place win for their red/white chili at the annual Glendo Volunteer Fire Department fundraiser held last weekend. Pictured above (l-r) are firefighter Curtis McCuiston, firefighter Tim Wright, firefighter Rebekah Gosselin, engineer Donald Emerson, Captain Miguel Sandoval, firefighter Chris Long, firefighter Greg Klassen, and firefighter Nolan Woodruff.
G-SHS volleyball drops two
conference matches
GUERNSEY – The Lady Vikings had conference matches this past week with Lingle and Lusk. On Thursday, GSHS played Lingle and lost in three sets: 14-25, 19-25, 23-25.
On Friday the Vikings took on the Tigers of Lusk and lost in three sets: 13-25, 21-25, and 17-25.
They will finish up the regular season with a home match against Rock River on Oct. 26th.
Cdebeca recognized by school board
GUERNSEY – Isaac Cdebaca was recognized in front of PCSD No. 2 school board last Monday for his contribution to the WHS golf team’s record-setting year and state championship. Cdebaca earned all-conference and all-state awards and provided counting scores for both events. The boys broke the one-day and two-day Wheatland school records, and Isaac’s name will be on that record board along with the state championship trophy.
Lusk match-up forfeited
GUERNSEY – The Guernsey-Sunrise football team forfeited their six-man game against Lusk this past week due to injuries.
October 29, 2024
Film documents history
of Sunrise historic
HARTVILLE – A video documenting the history of significant archaeologic discoveries at Sunrise was presented during the October meeting of Sunrise Historic And Prehistoric Preservation Society (SHAPPS) in Hartville.
The film, created by Keaton DesPlanques of Durango, Colorado for SHAPPS, documented how the archaeologic site at the old mining town of Sunrise was saved by former Sunrise teacher and coach Wayne Powars.
Respected experts and researchers from around the world have traveled to Sunrise to participate in discovering ancient history at the PaleoIndian site.
Airport workshop brings
new ideas to the table
GUERNSEY – With mixed sentiments whether to invest in upgrading the Guernsey Airport or trading it for other assets, a town meeting was held to discuss the issue. Considerable discussion about the situation led to a better understanding of the issues but left everyone wondering just what to do about it.
The town also has options it can consider. In lieu of upgrading the airport, the town has an offer on the table from Camp Guernsey, which is owned and operated by the Wyoming Military Department, to trade the infrastructure put in place by the town for 141 acres of land north of the recently remediated landfill.
Another option, Mayor Delgado stated, is to keep the airport lease and purchase outright the 21 acres made available by Camp Guernsey adjacent to the old landfill, valued at $52,500, or $2,500 per acre.
Lady Vikes defeat Longhorns
in weekend match
GUERNSEY – The Lady Vikings took on Rock River on Saturday and won in three sets: 25-21, 25-21, and 25-20.
G-SHS finished the regular season with a 14-17 overall record and 4-6 in conference play. The 1A East Regional Tournament will be hosted by G-SHS on November 1st and 2nd, this Friday and Saturday. The Vikings will play the pigtail match for the number-four seed from the southeast region on Monday, Oct. 28.
Vikings come up three points short
in final game
CHEYENNE – The Guernsey-Sunrise High School football team travelled to Cheyenne East to battle it out against Cheyenne East in their last game of the season last week. Despite a great final drive, the Vikes came up short by three points to close their turmoiled season.
Guernsey-Sunrise receives
Purple Star School designation
GUERNSEY – Last Tuesday, Guernsey-Sunrise School set a milestone in its history, hosting a celebration of local military students and their families after being officially designated as a Purple Star School.
Water okay in Hartville
after cautionary warning
HARTVILLE – A water issue that prompted a precautionary warning to town residents of Hartville last we has been resolved.
Camp barbershop to offer
free haircuts for vets
GUERNSEY – From someone who’s been in combat boots, the little things make a lot of difference for veterans. On Nov. 14 – 16, free haircuts will be given to veterans in honor of Veteran’s Day at Camp Guernsey.
Cosmetologist Stacia Smith has worked with base leadership to establish a barber shop, Patriotic Cuts, at the general mercantile building at Camp Guernsey, with haircut services available to both service members and civilians, men or women – anyone who wants to come on base to get a haircut.
Sheriff’s Update: K9 Pancho
recovers after surgery
PLATTE COUNTY – In May, a show of support from the community provided the $10,000 necessary to schedule surgery for Platte County Sheriff’s Department K9, Pancho. The funds were raised within a few days, and his successful surgery took place on Sept. 30. Pancho is expected to be able to go back to work in a couple months.
G-SHS volleyball falls short
of regional tournament
GUERNSEY – The Lady Vikings took on the Lady Miners of Hanna-Elk Mountain in Viking territory for a pigtail game for the fourth seed at last weekend’s regional tournament. Guernsey-Sunrise lost against Hanna-Elk Mountain in three sets:16-25, 25-27, and 21-25.
November 12, 2024
The Folds of Glory demonstrated at school
GUERNSEY – Randi-Raye Breathwit focuses on the folds of the flag while the VFW Post 4471 color guard stand at their stations during the Veteran’s Day ceremony at Guernsey-Sunrise School. The meaning of each of the folds was explained as fourth grade students folded U.S. flags in teams of three throughout the gymnasium.
Council freezes water bills pending
answers to alleged overages
GUERNSEY – The Guernsey town council was divided in their opinion, but agreed to cap residential water bills at the base rate until the council is satisfied billing issues are resolved.
Mayor Delgado said again, residents need to come to the town hall with questions on their bill, so there is a record, and research can be done to find out if there is an issue.
Council transfers CD to new bank;
hears town reports
GUERNSEY – During last Tuesday’s meeting, councilman Joe Michaels reported the water restrictions have been cancelled. “I’ve noticed the water pressure is great, the chlorine smell has gone away – [which was there because] the tank had to be cleaned and purged.”
Michaels also shared his appreciation for the newly paved Nebraska Ave. which has been in a state of partial disrepair since installation of the town’s new waterline was installed from the wells to the tank.
Police Chief Jay Harrison reported he is working day and night, but there may be a light at the end of the tunnel in regard to personnel issues with the Guernsey police department. If things continue as he anticipates, the department could be adding two to three officers – one at a time – beginning in the near future.
Fire chief Jeff Thomas reported the ‘50s-themed fundraiser at the VFW was “a cool night,” though he wished there was more in attendance. Councilman Augustyn took the opportunity to say “kudos” to the community for donating to the fundraiser that was able to raise funds to give nearly a thousand dollars to each of the 15 fire departments who assisted in putting out the Pleasant Valley Fire near Guernsey this summer.
Students take to the stage on Thursday
GUERNSEY – An original script, “The Frog Prince,” will be performed at Guernsey-Sunrise School on Thursday. Written by drama coach Amy Hollen, student suggestions and critiques are woven into the story. Karley Lehman is the student-director.
November 19, 2024
Ribbon cutting held for new
barracks building at Camp Guernsey
GUERNSEY – A mix of military and civilians, construction workers, base staff, and local and state officials were on hand for the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new barracks building at Camp Guernsey last Wednesday. The new 17,439 square foot barracks building has a capacity of up to 175 beds when fully occupied and utilizing a multi-purpose classroom as an extra bunkbed-room.
Importance of veterans highlighted in county-wide ceremonies
PLATTE COUNTY – Across the county last week, local communities demonstrated patriotism and gratitude for family, friends, and neighbors who answered the call to serve in our nation’s military. On Veteran’s Day, school programs highlighted local veterans, and free community dinners were served in each community as a gesture of thanks to veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice.
During nearly simultaneous ceremonies in both Guernsey and Wheatland schools last Monday morning, and during a ceremony in Wheatland on Monday evening, VFW and American Legion honor guards presented the U.S. and Wyoming Flags, in addition to the P.O.W. (Prisoner of War) and each service branch’s official flags.
The keynote speaker in Guernsey was retired Maj. Gen. K. Luke Reiner, former adjutant general for the Wyoming Military Department. He highlighted a handful of reasons we are grateful for men and women who have or are still donning a uniform to face unknown dangers to defend the Constitution of the United States and preserved the ability to gather peacefully with freedoms intact.
“Today we honor and share gratitude and thanks for the brave men and women who have served our country. Your courage, sacrifices, and dedication should remind us not just today, but every day, of the freedoms we enjoy. And let us never take those for granted. Whether you’re a veteran, an active service member, or just here showing your support, we appreciate the commitment and sacrifices you and your families have made and have shown our country. Thank you and we salute you,” Lisa Weigel, superintendent of Platte County School District No. 2, said.
Collar named for 1A East all-conference
volleyball honors
GUERNSEY – Kierstyn Collar, a dynamic outside hitter for the Lady Vikings earned All-Conference honors for the 1A East Volleyball Conference.
Kierstyn, a junior, finished the season with 162 kills, 396 digs, and 66 aces for her team.
November 26, 2024
Water project officially complete,
$30 water bill freeze ended
GUERNSEY – Water was again on the table at last week’s meeting of the Guernsey Council. This time, though, it was reported by public works director Mike Fronapfel, all the wells are tied into the new line, and “everything is up and running” on the new water system installed over the past year.
The council passed motion to eliminate the $30 freeze on water bills, going back to regular rates, effective with the next billing cycle.
Guernsey police department adds officer
GUERNSEY – Municipal judge William M. Connors swore in a new police officer at last week’s council meeting, with congratulations from the council.
Steven Taylor has spent 23 years in law enforcement, in both rural and city settings. He also has extensive experience in patrol duties and investigations.
Sidewalk maintenance and tree clearance above responsibility of property owners
GUERNSEY – Guernsey Town Council heard department and committee reports, as well as comments from the public at last week’s council meeting.
Town planner and code enforcement officer John Burfeind said he is trying to bring awareness of a town ordinance which requires residents to maintain sidewalks along their property. He is putting together information for residents to let them know about their liability, but also some ideas and options for repair.
Letters have also been sent out to residents reminding them town ordinance says property owners must maintain trees on their properties. A clear space of nine feet vertical and across the sidewalks need to be maintained, and leaves, nuts, pinecones, and other debris need to be cleaned off the sidewalks.
Lori Ibarra of Tri-City Parks and Recreation Department gave the council her end-of-pool season report. She added, she was returning $5,665.53 of town funds allocated for the pool’s operation over the summer, which were unused. A Department of Agriculture inspection report was also included in her report, which she said the council needed to note the alkalinity was low on July 16, which had to be corrected by July 17.
Frog Prince theater production performed
GUERNSEY – The Frog Prince was played by Chase Kelly; Karley Lehman played Princess Nefera. In the drama, the duo defeated the evil Troth (played by Linkon Rotz) and the three enchantresses (played by Kayli McCoy, Whitley Walker and Carlow Hayes.) The frog prince’s best friend Babu was played by Zach Lehman, and the Pharaoh was played by Carter Seabolt.
Ranchers, law enforcement
discuss livestock thefts
GLENDO – At an at-capacity meeting of area ranchers and landowners Wednesday at Glendo town hall, the message was clear: don’t ignore missing cattle anymore, even if it is just one or two you may have written off as lost or killed by coyotes.
The meeting, attended by ranchers, landowners, brand inspectors, and law enforcement, was prompted by the likely theft of nine red steers Glendo rancher Tim Millikin confirmed were missing with no evidence of their death; but the sticking point is, he didn’t realize they were truly missing until several months after the fact.
As discussed at the meeting, law enforcement from multiple counties will be working closely together with the Wyoming Livestock Board and landowners to reduce or stop the amount of “missing cattle” that turn out to be thefts in Wyoming and the local area.
For more information, contact the WLB at wslb.state.wy.us or by calling 307-777-7515; or contact your local sheriff’s department. Platte County Sheriff’s department can be reached at 307-322-2331.
Parks and recreation offers indoor pickleball
GUERNSEY – Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the United States, and last year Tri-City Parks and Recreation District began offering Pickleball to locals. This summer, Tri-City updated the outdoor pickleball courts where players are welcome to play during the summer. Paddles and balls are available for use, and instructor John Ibarra can teach anyone interested in the game.
December 3, 2024
Artery shares personal story
of flintknapping journey
HARTVILLE – A lifetime of curiosity, some observation, and a lot of boredom during the “Covid” lockdowns sprouted into a nearly full-time hobby for a retired postman from Wheatland.
In a Flintknapping 101 presentation as a featured speaker at the monthly SHAPPS (Sunrise Historic and Prehistoric Preservation Society) meeting, Curt Artery, former postmaster for both Chugwater and Guernsey, shared how he started creating his own arrowheads, arrows, tomahawks, knives, and other tools from a variety of stones and object.
Guernsey unveils newly designed website
GUERNSEY – The Town of Guernsey recently announced its new website. It offers a fresh look, intuitive navigation, and streamlined access to key information and services. Go check out the new website at TOGWY.US.
Red Cross assists residents
after Guernsey house fire
GUERNSEY – The American Red Cross of Wyoming is assisting two adults and one child affected by a house fire in Guernsey, Wyo. on Nov. 15.
UW students’ research to protect
December 10, 2024
Council rejects Camp Guernsey
land swap proposal
GUERNSEY – After a 3-2 vote at last week’s monthly meeting, the Guernsey council shut down the option of a land swap with Camp Guernsey for the town’s aging infrastructure at the airport.
The 141 acres of land directly north of the town the military department offered in exchange for the buildings and repair and maintenance of the airport’s tac strip was proposed as a trade for the town’s hangars, outbuildings, and full control of the tac strip, taxiway, and apron currently leased by the town from Camp Guernsey – with 61 years left on a 99-year lease.
Councilman Michaels made a motion to reject the land swap proposal from the Wyoming Military Department. The motion was seconded by councilman Kellie Augustyn, and in a 3-2 split, the motion passed. Councilmen Michaels, Augustyn, and Dale Harris voted in favor of the motion; councilwoman Penny Wells and mayor Ed Delgado voted against the measure.
After the vote, Michaels suggested, since that decision was made, the council could move forward with the process of potentially purchasing 21 acres outright from the military department currently known as the “burn pile,” adjacent to the old landfill.
Pony Express: A Christmas card ride
GUERNSEY – Angie and Scott Montgomery of Cheyenne prepare Angie’s horse for the Christmas Card Ride from Guernsey to Fort Laramie on Saturday. Angie is a lont-time member of the Southeast Wyoming Pony Express Assoc. and rides in the national re-ride each as well as special events promoting the group and the legend of the original Pony Express.
Guernsey council: expansion grant process continues
GUERNSEY – Plans are moving forward in the grant application process for the new community center, town planner John Burfeind reported at last week’s council meeting.
Burfeind reported, the mayor, Bruce Heimbuck, and grant portfolio and regional managers had an on-site meeting to discuss the grant and answer questions about the project. The expansion to the senior center and library into the adjacent lot is intended to be a benefit to the community, and assist in its growth.
There have also been some issues in town with unregistered dogs who have been seen running loose around town.
A railroad supplier has inspected and agreed to purchase the material (switch, turnout, etc.) left from the town’s rail spur which was dismantled years ago.
Mayor Ed Delgado asked Guernsey state park superintendent Cassie Wells to speak on the barricades near the golf course, because he and the council have been fielding a lot of questions regarding them in the last few weeks.
The state park superintendent explained the land south of the river behind the barricades through nearly to Register Cliff used to belong to Camp Guernsey at one time, but is now property of Wyoming State Parks and is open to hunting. The barricades were put up to prevent motorized vehicles from driving into the area reserved for pedestrian traffic.
Wells said the property also allows fishing access. In the future, she hopes to be able to have hiking trails through the area for people to enjoy the acreage more.
Winter festival celebrates Christmas, Oregon Trail style
GUERNSEY – “The parade will kick off the season, and the parade of trees will be a good turnout. There are usually a lot of faces there,” mayor Ed Delgado said at last week’s council meeting as he invited the community to attend the Christmas parade and Parade of Trees on Dec. 4.
His predictions came true.
G-SHS principal Liesl Sisson reported the festivities began with a parade down main street that ended with a beautiful wood sleigh on the Air Force float carrying Santa and Mrs. Claus. Kids were able to have their pictures taken with Santa in the commons area. Cookie decorating station was provided by FCCLA students. Mr. Robert Parker and the band provided Christmas caroling music in the gym for attendees to enjoy. Various groups and individuals decorated the trees and wreaths to be auctioned off.
“It is always a great way to invite the community into our school and kickoff the holiday season!” Sisson said.
Silent auction held in Fort Laramie for local man
FORT LARAMIE – For many years, Chuck Brooks, a local resident, has been providing entertainment with his two ponies throughout Goshen and Platte Counties. Brooks is a well-known coachman with the “Fort Laramie Stage,” a stagecoach which has been kept in the family for some time.
Just prior to this year’s Christmas parade in Guernsey, Brooks suffered
five broken ribs, three broken vertebrates and a cracked pelvis when the wagon tongue broke and he was thrown from the wagon’s seat.
On Saturday, Dec. 7, local businesses and community members rallied together during the town’s craft fair, to host a silent auction for the local reinsman, which was held at the Fort Laramie Community Center.
December 17, 2024
Cattle rounded up in Guernsey
GUERNSEY – Last Wednesday, local police and town employees helped with an unexpected roundup after some bovine escaped from a livestock trailer.
Neighbors help neighbors
to have a Merry Christmas
GUERNSEY – Fifty-five local families were given gifts and Christmas dinner boxes to make their holiday special, courtesy of the efforts of the Guernsey Lions Club and the countless donations given to support the annual holiday assistance.
In addition to the Christmas baskets, families with children received gifts gathered during the Hub City Motorcycle Club’s Toy Drive on Dec. 7 at Lynn’s Superfood. The Toy Drive is sponsored by Hub City, but was supported by the fire departments from Guernsey city, Guernsey rural, Hartville, and Camp Guernsey.
All toys and donations benefitted residents of the Guernsey and Hartville areas.
Wreaths Across America...
GUERNSEY – VFW Post 4471 Commander Steve Keigley and Auxiliary President Geraldine Delgado (above) lead the dedication ceremony during the Wreaths Across America at Prairie Rest Cemetery Saturday morning. Doug Janas (below) plays Taps at the close of the Wreaths Across America Saturday morning at Prairie Rest Cemetery in Guernsey. High school students Tim Radcliffe, Mason Collar, Taylor Sterner, Korbin Weinkauf and Conner Bristow helped assemble the wreath stand and place the wreaths.
Recognition mounts
for Guernsey-Sunrise educator
GUERNSEY—Guernsey-Sunrise Technical Trades instructor Troy Reichert received yet another national level award in early December when he was chosen as the top candidate for the Association for Career and Technical Education’s 2025 Carl Perkins Community Service Award.
The award, which recognizes individuals who have used CTE to make a significant impact on their community and demonstrated leadership in programs and activities that promote student involvement in community service, was presented to Reichert in San Antonio, Texas.
A festive Christmas music special...
GUERNSEY – Guernsey-Sunrise junior high band (above) and sixth grade choir (left) were two of several groups who showcased their talent during last week’s holiday music concert at the school.
December 24, 2024
WyoRing brings Christmas music to Hartville
HARTVILLE—For those hearty enough to brave a cold mid-December wind, the music of Christmas came to life as the members of WyoRing put on an hour-long handbell concert in the parish hall of the Our Savior Episcopal Church in Hartville on Dec. 15.
Approximately 75 area residents had a front-row seat to hear the talented group made up of players from primarily Goshen and Platte counties and directed by Joyce Willeke.
The concert was sponsored by Guernsey-Sunrise Community Education and the church hosted the program.
The group played a three-octave set of bells, enhanced with handchimes.
Deputies to assist Wyoming Livestock Board investigators, increase livestock checks
PLATTE COUNTY – On Dec. 10, all Platte County Sheriff’s deputies attended a livestock training regarding brands, documents required to travel, and resources available.
The Sheriff’s office is also working on an agreement with the Wyoming Livestock Investigators to assist with providing more checks. As a result, after the first of the year there will be an increase in stops concerning livestock. This is an effort to try and stop some of the livestock thefts that are occurring in Platte and surrounding counties.
Lego League awards...
GUERNSEY – The Guernsey-Sunrise Lego League, under the direction of Karen Wambach and Daphne Malcom, were given awards during the December school board meeting. The team was recognized for their excellent performance during state competition, including creating a robot to perform a specific action – all while under the pressure of time constraints.
Vikings play tough teams, rank high in per-game rebounding average
GUERNSEY – The Viking basketball team began their second week of action with a 16-553 loss to the Lusk Tigers.
The Vikes also competed in the Goshen County Basketball Classic where they picked up a 40-39 win over Rock River but dropped games to Encampment, Kaycee and Hanna-Elk Mountain.
After the first week of play, Mason Collar was ranked ninth in the state for 1A in rebounding averaging 9.3 per game. The Vikes were ranked 13th out of 24 in team rebounding in Class 1A with an average of 28.7 per game and 11th in Points Allowed Against for team defense with an average of 43.3.
Lady Vikings play five teams
before holiday break
GUERNSEY – The Lady Vikings opened their 24-25 basketball season against tough opponents in Pine Bluffs and Cheyenne South.
Senior Liberty Whitebird had an outstanding performance against a much taller squad of Hornets as she poured in 18 points.
They struggled in their next series of games, coming up short to Lusk (19-58), Encampment (21-50), Rock River (18-24), Kaycee (12-56) and Hanna-Elk Mountain (5-48).
December 31, 2024
Firefighters credited with successes; Clark reports to Commissioners
WHEATLAND –In his final report to the Platte County Commissioners, outgoing Platte County Fire Warden Aaron Clark warned that this year’s fire outlook is bleak due to low moisture accumulation combined with higher than average temperatures; noting the fire ban remains in place at this time.
Clark credited local firefighters as the reason for the successes in this year’s battle of blazes, saying “It’s the folks that volunteer. They’ve given a lot of time and effort – and they’re good.”