Board to the public January meeting minutes

Posted 1/28/25

GUERNSEY – The January meeting of Platte County School District No. 2 was held on Jan. 13, preceded by a short work session. Chairman Blaine Ayers opened the meeting, which began with …

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Board to the public January meeting minutes


GUERNSEY – The January meeting of Platte County School District No. 2 was held on Jan. 13, preceded by a short work session.
Chairman Blaine Ayers opened the meeting, which began with Viking Pride student and staff recognition for the month of January. Students of the month were Elliana Bristow (elementary) and Leni Dimas (secondary); staff of the month were Trilby Douglas (elementary staff from December), Rhonda Martin (January elementary staff) and Kyle Gunderson (secondary staff).
Principal Liesl Sisson thanked the board on behalf of the staff for sponsoring the Christmas reception in December. She also told the board Mindy Kelley is working with students working on internships to ensure they earn the credits they need. Part of that is for students working for an employer to receive employer reviews and other progress report to show they are meeting requirements for credit. There are Guernsey-Sunrise students working on CDL’s (commercial driver’s licenses), and others are working towards CNA (certified nurse assistant) certifications.
Principal Sisson said a RIDE celebration was held in December with four new RIDERS from the elementary and secondary staff. With schedules matching up with each other, drama coach Amy Hollon is teaming up with music instructor Robert Parker to intwine musical theater and traditional choir for junior high students.
Asssistant principal Jeremy Dietchman reported there are six new elementary students since school started after the holiday break in January.

Activities director Jolyn Hillen said winter activities are in full swing. There are 11 girls and 17 boys playing high school basketball, 17 boys playing junior high basketball, and 14 students playing e-sports.
Hillen and Haiden Martinez have been becoming familiar with what to expect during the spring golf season and are finding dates for golf meets Guernsey-Sunrise players can attend.
Coach Erik Collar is opening the weight room from 4:00 – 5:30 on Monday thru Thursday.
Superintendent Lisa Weigel thanked the staff for the smooth transition back after Christmas break and welcomed the new students to the school community. She said she was proud of G-S students, noting she observed one of the elementary students visiting with a new student and overheard them say, “Welcome to our school. I hope you love our school as much as I do!”
Superintendent Weigel thanked district staff, Guernsey-Sunrise Education Assoc. and community for all of the holiday spirit, giving and caring that went into the holiday season. She thanked Dawndrea Daly and the admin team for helping serve the holiday meals, Sarah VanNatter and student council for all that they do, the office team and everyone who contributed to the office hosted Christmas party, and the new tradition of caroling with Becky Mikel being the travel guide for the staff caroling.
Mindy Kelley was selected for the VFW Teaching Award contest high school category. Weigel said Kelley was second place finisher in the State of Wyoming. She thanked her for making the effort to participate in the contest and thanked the VFW for supporting her efforts.
Superintendent Weigel thanked the board members who were able to attend the Legislative dinner in Douglas on Jan. 6. She reminded them of the Legislative forum in Cheyenne Feb 2 & 3.
The Board of Trustees took the following actions at their meeting: approved the Minutes of Dec. 9. 2024; approved Banner Capital, First State Bank and Wyoming Government Investment Fund as Official Depositories; approved Guernsey Gazette as the official newspaper for the Legal notices and the Casper Star-Tribune in case of emergency; approved financial statements and payment of the bills as presented; tabled the 2023-2024 audit Zoom presentation and acceptance; approved the MOU with Eastern Wyoming College; accepted resignation from Jennifer Albert SPED, Para Educator effective Dec. 20, 2024; approved the hiring of Troy Reichert as the head high school football coach; approved the hiring of Scott Frederick and Ryan Collar as the junior high football coaches; approved the hiring of Reva Falen as the head track coach and Trilby Douglas as the assistant track coach; approved the 2025 fall coaching recommendations: Talon Collar and Scottina Haase for high school volleyball; Reilley London and Haiden Martinez for junior high volleyball; Erik Collar for assistant high school football; Falen and Dallas Dean for junior high girls basketball.
Concluding the meeting, board member Shawna Reichert thanked everyone who stepped up to coach. She informed the board that she has been keeping up with what is happening at the Legislature. Board member Kevin Gross congratulated those who were recipients of the Viking staff and student awards. He noted that he has seen senior Leni Dimas flourish these past few years and thought she would do well in all of her endeavors. He thanked all staff for their collaboration and working as a team for the success of the students. Board member Sarah Seyfang thanked everyone for all they do and to keep up the good work. Chariman Ayers discussed some of the topics currently at the Legislature. He also shared some of the discussion held during the Legislative dinner in Douglas.
The next meeting of the PCSD No. 2 school board will be 7 p.m. Feb. 10 and will include the 2023-2024 audit report.