June 06, 2023
Town of Guernsey
Regular Meeting
Platte County, Wyoming
PRESENT: Mayor Delgado, CM Augustyn, CM Harris, CM Michaels, CM Wells.
STAFF: Hillary Dawson, Mike Fronapfel, Chief Harrison, Chuck Porter, Judge Conner, Diana Griffith
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Delgado called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
REGSTERING GUESTS: Bob Case, Don Eston, Jeff Thomas, Reichert, Troy and Shawna, Christa Bartel, Ada Pulos
AGENDA: CM Wells moved to amend agenda removing 7. Ordinance and 10. Ordinance. CM Harris motioned to approve the agenda as amended. CM Wells seconded. The motion carried.
MINUTES: CM Augustyn moved to approve the May 16, 2023, minutes, as presented. CM Michaels seconded. The motion carried.
CONSIDERATION OF CLAIMS: Mayor Delgado presented the vouchers for approval. CM Augustyn moved to approve the Considerations of Claims in the amount of $204,425.14, seconded by CM Harris. The motion carried. Vouchers follow in their entirety: A&M Electric $2,686.57; Able Equipment $1413.52; Amazon Capital Services, $1,445.59; Axon Enterprise $9,983.96; Black hills Energy $232.82; Blue Line Custom Vinyl’s $1580.00; Blumer, $52.45; Border States Industries, $235.95; Bowen, Jesse, $240.00; Caselle, $618.00; Century Lumber Center, $97.85; Century Link, $978.90; Charlie’s Repair, $22.00; Clure, Landes, $29.67; Conner, William, $2301.39; CPS Distributors, $2608.49; $158.00; Dad’s Septic, $900.00; Dawson, Hillary, $1360.66; Fat Boys Tire and Auto, $271.00; Frank Jones, $4827.70; Friends of Guernsey Lodge, $3200.00; Griffith, Diana, $248.73; Guernsey Gazette, $1,939.76; Hawkins, INC, $3812.54; Herbert, Jean, $45.50; Dawson, Hillary Guernsey Petty Cash, $140.10; Hillside Rental, $168.30; Home Depot, $2827.28; Howshar Hardware, $1912.02; Local Government Liability Pool, $8201.00; Meloney, Michael, $131.56; Millers Mowing, $3,360.00; NJA Conference 2023, $275.00; ; O’Reilly’s Automotive, $120.93; Otero, Belinda, $61.52; Platte County Chamber of commerce, $130.00; Platte County Clerk, $18.00; Pryor Creek Bait, $33.00; R&R Products, $112.13; Reserve Account, $150.00; Staples Credit Plan, $249.68; Superior Contracting, $4,475.00; TDS Collection Services, $19,405.33; Team Laboratory, $2348.00; Torrington Beverage, $227.25; USPS, $290.00; Valley Motor Supply, $355.47; Van Diest Supply, $19,161.60; W G Dale Electric, $3549.00; Wheatland ACE, $36.99; Wheatland Automotive, $461.53; Wheatland REA, $61.97; Wyoming Fire Chief Association, $160.00; WYO Pots, $450.00; Y2 Consultants, $10,000.00; Total Invoices, $120,035.71. Payroll, $37,292.80. Taxes/Benefits Payable, $47,096.63. TOTAL CLAIMS: $204,425.14.
BUDGET ORDINANCE 2023-001: CM Wells motioned to approve the Second reading of Budget Ordinance and CM Michaels seconded. The motion carried.
1% SPECIFIC PURPOSE TAX: Mayor advised Council to look over the document and will cast votes on June 20th at next Council Meeting.
MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORT: CM Harris thanks the city crews, he has had a lot of compliments on the cemetery over Memorial Day and how nice it looked. CM Michaels gives kudos to town employees on moving in the right direction for getting the town looking nice.CM Wells addresses being diligent with Council responsibilities. Mayor Delgado thanks Mike for his hard work and mentions the upcoming Shrine bowl.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor motioned to go into executive session. CM Wells moved to go into executive session after a short break, CM Michaels asks what the discussion will be for and Mayor Delgado replied Personnel, CM Harris seconded the motion. The motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Returned to regular session with no decision made, Mayor asked for motion to adjourn. With no further business, CM Michaels motioned that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by CM Augustyn. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.
To View minutes in their entirety, visit The Town of guernsey Website.
Edward Delgado, Mayor
Hillary Dawson, Clerk/Treasurer
Public Notice No. 2025 published in the Guernsey Gazette on June 27, 2023.