March 21, 2023
Town of Guernsey
Regular Meeting
Platte County, Wyoming
PRESENT: Mayor Delgado, CM Augustyn, CM Harris, CM Michaels, CM Wells.
STAFF: Jeff Thomas, Judge William Conner, Chuck Porter (via Zoom), Pam Hebbert.
REGISTERING GUESTS: Lori Ibarra, Dominick Ibarra, Kris Shaw, Dawn Lieberman, Rose Martinez, Julie Wilkes, Shawna Reichert, Danielle Noggle, Dana Sanborn, Kyle VanBuskirk.
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Delgado called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
AGENDA: CM Harris moved to approve the agenda. CM Wells seconded. The motion carried.
MINUTES: CM Michaels moved to approve the March 7, 2023, minutes, as presented. CM Augustyn seconded. The motion carried.
CONSIDERATION OF CLAIMS: Mayor Delgado presented the vouchers for approval. CM Augustyn moved to approve the Considerations of Claims in the amount of $192,492.81, seconded by CM Wells. The motion carried. Vouchers follow in their entirety: Amazon Capital Services, $664.85; Biolynceus, LLC, $2,999.00; Bloedorn Lumber, $433.85; Bob Ruwart Motors, $565.20; Bomgaars, $282.37; Capital Business Systems, $318.96; Caselle, Inc., $618.00; CenturyLink, $987.76; Charlie’s Repair, $1,286.48; Energy Laboratories, 445.00; Environmental Compliance Solutions, $475.00; Fast Stop 1132, $59.54; Guernsey Gazette, $1,598.88; Intrado Interactive Service Corporation, $1,708.87; LL Johnson Distributing, $42.02; Platte County Chamber of Commerce, $2,562.50; Pitney Bowes Reserve Account, $150.00; Sam’s Club MC/SYNCB, $1,953.26; Thomas, Jeff, $143.00; Thomas, Shenna, $143.00; Verizon Wireless, $309.07; Vistabeam, $491.50; W S Darley & Co., $1,493.95; Westco, $449.50; Wex Bank, $3,226.29; Wheatland Automotive, $144.67; Wheatland REA, $61.86; Wyoming Municipal Power Agency, $93,046.86; Wyoming Retirement System, $225.00; Wyrulec, $1,548.76; Zell Heating & Cooling, $4,450.00. Total Invoices, $122,885.00. Payroll, $26,927.05. Taxes/Benefits Payable, $42,680.76. TOTAL CLAIMS: $192,492.81.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Julie Wilkes made note that gravel has accumulated on the handicap access parking area by the river walking trail. Mayor Delgado will have the public works crew sweep it off.
COMMUNITY/ORGANIZATION REPORTS: Christa Bartel reported Camp Guernsey will be busy in May and June. And aerial bucket exercise is scheduled for the end of April. Bartel also reported the dog park ribbon cutting will be April 21st at 2:30 pm. Madison DeLaurentis submitted the winning entry in the dog park naming contest. The new name will be “Watch Dog Park”, named after the dog Watch in the Boxcar Children’s book series. Shawna Reichert elicited council representation at the Chamber meetings at Noon on the third Thursday of each month. She reported Lodging Tax revenue was considerably down this winter due to road closures.
2023 POOL OPERATION/TRI CITY PARKS RFP: CM Michaels motioned to accept the request for proposal from Tri-City Parks and Recreation in the amount of $80,550 for the 2023 operation of the pool. CM Wells seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
ORDINANCE 10-3E-1C WAIVER REQUEST: Considering recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Committee, CM Wells motioned that the council grant Charlie’s Repair a waiver of the requirements of Ordinance 10-3E-1C for nine (9) months while the business works toward compliance, at which point the topic will be addressed again. CM Michaels seconded. The motion carried 4-0, with CM Harris abstaining.
TRAIL RUTS GOLF & CAMP/2023 RATE: The council discussed options and considerations for increasing golf and camp rates for the 2023 season. CM Wells motioned that the item be tabled until the next meeting to allow time for more information to be gathered. CM Michaels seconded. The motion carried.
DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Fire Chief Jeff Thomas reported on recent calls and upcoming training for the department. Judge Conner provided information about the Western Conference Municipal Court training May 10-12th and the National Judges Association beginning July 15th. The cost of both trainings was previously approved and are included in the current budget. Joe Michaels provided information about Basin Electric’s energy and demand projections for the upcoming year. Pam Hebbert reported that the town will begin using the electronic option to make payments to the Wyoming Retirement System.
MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORT: CM Michaels inquired about the new AED device for the pool and requested another be ordered for the council chambers. CM Augustyn provided information about providing a second river access point where the tree burned down. Mayor Delgado reported on the Specific Purpose Excise Tax meeting with the County Commissioners. Charlie Walker expressed concern for how he was notified of the ordinance violation.
ADJOURNMENT: With no further business, CM Harris motioned that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by CM Wells. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm.
Edward Delgado, Mayor
Pam Hebbert, Clerk/Treasurer
Public Notice No. 2020 published in the Guernsey Gazette on April 11, 2023.